Shipping and Returns

Shipping and Delivery



F.O.B. R.W. Coomber Enterprises Inc. (R.W. Coomber Hardware)

Transit Damage

It is the customer's responsibility to carefully inspect products upon delivery for any transit damage and/or shortage. The customer will have an allowance of 48 hours to report any discrepancies regarding shipments received. If damage or shortage is detected, such damage or shortage should be clearly noted on the bill of lading before signing for the merchandise. As well, pictures should be taken BEFORE the product is off-loaded and sent to R.W. Coomber Enterprises Inc (R.W. Coomber Hardware) for immediate inspection.

In addition to noting the damage on the bill of lading, any damage needs to be pointed out to the delivery driver. The customer is also responsible for obtaining the driver’s signature on the bill of lading to acknowledge that damage has been brought to the driver’s attention. 

R.W. Coomber Enterprises (R.W. Coomber Hardware) are not able to intercede in any transit damage and/or shortage claim unless: 

  1. Noted on the freight bill and 
  2. Carrier inspection report is furnished.
Order Cancellation / Restocking Charge

All orders cancelled after 48 hours will carry a restocking charge of 25%, all orders shipped and returned without just cause will carry a restocking charge of 25%. R.W Coomber Enterprises Inc (R.W. Coomber Hardware) will not accept returns of custom products unless just cause is determined between R.W Coomber Enterprises Inc (R.W. Coomber Hardware) and the customer. 

Cancelling or modifying an order may result in a cancellation or modification charge up to the value of the cancelled order.

Returned Products

Any returned products are subject to prior written approval by inside sales and must be accompanied by an Authorization Number (#) and a detailed Return Authorization form. If Return Authorization has not been issued and the product is returned without a Return Authorization number (#) it will be refused.


On defective products, RW Coomber Enterprises Inc. (R.W. Coomber Hardware) is only responsible for the full replacement cost of the product.